This is a list of digital videos I've made. Most videos were taken in the province of New Brunswick but some will
be from other areas. At the bottom I have listed some people who sell videos featuring New Brunswick
railroads. You can view my videos on YouTube.
Newest video:
NB East Coast Railway freight at Belledune, 2007/09/04. |
NB Southern Eastbound Freight leaving McAdam, 2007/09/01. |
NB Southern Railway local train in Saint John, 2007/08/30. |
CN 305 near Edmundston, NB, 2007/08/12. |
VIA 16 (Chaleur) near Caplan, Quebec, 2007/08/11. |
VIA 16 (Chaleur) leaving Matapedia, Quebec, 2007/08/11. |
VIA 15 at Jacquet River, 2007/08/10. |
CN 308 at Deersdale, 2007/08/03. |
NB Southern 2319 at Harvey Lake, 2007/07/28. |
Other New Brunswick Railway Video Sources
- The Canadian Railroad Historical Association (NB Division) is selling
a VIA DVD to benefit the New Brunswick Railway Museum. The video features
the Ocean all across New Brunswick from Campbellton to Sackville and points in between. You can order it
direct from their web site.
- David Othen has some video clips
available from his web site, showing the video you can see on his video offerings. I have the three videos
shown and I highly recommend them. He has a number of train video clips online as well. Higher resolution clips of David's videos are available
on Andy Inserra's Alco site. You can reach David at
o t h e n @ e a s t l i n k . c a or mail him at 2 Beverley Street, Dartmouth Nova Scotia CANADA B2X 2K3.
- George Crawford offers "videos of the last CN & CP Train from Fredericton" (New Brunswick). He does not
have a web site but can be reached at (506) 453-9912. I purchased this video, and although the quality of
some clips is not great, the subject matter is fascinating... especially since one of the trains shown passed
only a few hundred meters from where my house now stands.
- David Scott offers well over a dozen videos for sale, two of which feature New Brunswick content.
His video #1 chronicles "The Last Years of Canadian Steam", including the DAR and CP in New Brunswick.
His video #15, "Atlantic Canada Railway Operations", features the NB Southern,
VIA Rail, and CN.
He may be contacted via his father's email at d o n a l d _ s c o t t @ t e l u s . n e t, or via mail as: David J. Scott, 41-1271 Lasalle
Place, Coquitlam, British Columbia, V3B 7C8.
I do not own any of his videos (yet!).
- The Salem & Hillsborough Railroad has several videos available on their site.
- Revelation Audio-Visuals has a video entitled
"VIA East/Maritime MLWs" (VHS) that features VIA and various CN
MLWs (Alcos).
You can also see some of my older videos on Google Video.
See my collectible page for more video listings.
Updated Sunday, 26-Sep-2021 21:23:37 EDT